Kathryn Dennis Taunts Black Radio Host with Racist Messages

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Thursday, May 9, 2024

Kathryn Dennis may be done with Thomas Ravenel, but there are still times when she opens her mouth and says something that he might say.

For example, when a black radio host exposed the organizer of an upcoming Trump rally, Kathryn taunted her with a racist emoji.

A white beauty salon owner in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina announced that she is planning a MAGA rally.

Katie Shields told her followers that she is "organizing a Trump Boat Parade" for later this month.

"KAG flags and gear are required," she announced, referring to the orange menace’s current and deeply ironic "Keep America Great" slogan.

Of said gear, she said "the tackier, the better." Something tells us that this won’t be an issue.

Tamika Gadsden, a radio host, took to Twitter to put the woman’s vile plans on blast.

"In Charleston you learn, fairly quickly, that the face of White Supremacy resembles that of the boutique-owning, gatekeeping glitterati," she wrote.

"This is Katie Shields, owner of Mylk Bar in Mt. Pleasant," Tamika added. "She’s organizing a Nautical MAGA rally with her friends."

"Katie is reprehensible," her tweet concluded, in case anyone had not already reached that conclusion.

Apparently, Kathryn Dennis saw this and was deeply upset to see this fashy boutique owner receive a callout.

In a series of DMs, the Southern Charm star bombarded the radio host with, well, you can see the messages for yourself.

"Ha dude you are crazy," Kathryn wrote in one DM.

In another, she instructed the radio host to "grow a pair."

"Why are you calling us ‘white people?’ that is so racist," Kathryn accused bizarrely.

There are specific circumstances in which highlighting someone’s race is racist. This is not one of htem.

Also, it’s not really a leap to suggest that the majority of attendees at a rally for a white nationalist candidate will be white themselves.

Kathryn is likely trolling, not making a serious accusation, but … that doesn’t really make it better.

It’s clear that some aspects of the one-sided conversation are not public, such as whichever emoji response the radio host used at one point.

However, Kathryn accuses Tamika of hypocrisy because, once she reports this news, the culprit planning the rally was "harassed."

(A lot of people seem to be confusing natural consequences of bad choices with harassment or oppression)

Worst of all, Kathryn taunted Tamika with a monkey emoji.

Tamika took to Twitter to share some screenshots of what Kathryn had said in her DMs.

"This is what happens when a Black woman in #Charleston speaks up against white supremacy in the form of MAGA rallies," she wrote.

Tamika explained: "My comments re: Mylk Bar prompted this @BravoTV ‘actor’ @KathrynDennis to taunt me with monkey emojis in my DMs."

"Along with a whole host of other names," she added.

Wisely, Kathryn took to Twitter to issue an unwavering apology.

"I want to acknowledge that using a monkey emoji in my text was offensive," Kathryn begins.

"And from the bottom of my heart," she continues, "sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone I hurt."

"Although the context was not my intention," Kathryn notes, "there are no ‘if ands or buts’ that excuse me… "

"I did not give it thought, and it was and is wrong," Kathryn adds.

Some might have claimed that they didn’t think of the emoji being racist as an excuse, but Kathryn clearly understands that "not thinking" is not an excuse.

"I know I am not that person," her tweets conclude. "I know and will do better."

We certainly hope so.

Some fans responded with the usual knee-jerk contrarian tweets that she shouldn’t have apologized or "PC culture" is ruining everything somehow.

Others noted that they hoped that this will be a learning experience for Kathryn.

After all, she is a young woman who has been surrounded by white douchebag men for a lot of her life.

It’s easy to see how hateful influences like Thomas Ravenel could have warped Kathryn’s attitudes and behavior for the worst.

That said … sometimes, our culture is too quick to make excuses for, to put it frankly, pretty white women.

Yes, Kathryn’s storylines on Southern Charm have been sympathetic recently. Yes, we’ve been fond of her, too.

But she is a 28-year-old grown adult. She’s a mom.

How much slack are we truly prepared to cut her?

Racist emoji aside, she chose to put time and energy into defending an indefensible woman.

Ultimately, it’s not up to us to forgive Kathryn or not — certainly not up to me, a white man.

I personally believe her apology to be sincere, but I’m not the one who gets to decide that Kathryn is off the hook.
